Examples: "shift+r", "k", "ctrl+alt+f7", "command+pageup", etc. Key combos are zero or more modifier keys (including ⇑, shift, option, ⌥, alt, ctrl, control, command, and ⌘), and one action key (letter, number, punctuation, or special key shown below), combined with + signs. Shortkeys lets you use pretty much any key combo you want. You can also blacklist or whitelist sites per-shortcut, to pick and choose which shortcuts you don't want active on which sites (this field also supports regular expressions in the following format: /regexp/). Shortkeys allows for enabling or disabling key combos while you're currently focused on a form field, so you can have keyboard shortcuts like "r" or "shift+h" and still be able to type those values into a form without triggering the shortcut if you want. Click button and switch to next tab (for Tribal Wars players).Blacklist or whitelist specific shortcuts on specific sites.Close all (unpinned) tabs except for current tab.Create a new tab or close the current tab.Switch to the previous/next/first/last tab.Scroll to the top or bottom of the page.

Scroll up/down/left/right by a little or a lot.Do nothing (for disabling a Firefox shortcut you don't like, in the context of the page, not the whole browser window - explained above).Shortkeys makes it easy to add custom shortcuts to your browser for the following actions: shortkeys will start working when the page has finished loading, not *right* after you opened a page, or clicked a link (this annoys me, too, but yeah - API Limitation:(.